Glossary of Terms – LOT Foundation
Welcome to the LOT Foundation Glossary—your guide to understanding the core programs, campaigns, and initiatives that drive our mission. Below are key terms and abbreviations used in our work:
🌍 Core Programs & Initiatives
📌 OFA100 – Operation Feed a 100
A food relief program aimed at feeding 100+ vulnerable individuals in underserved communities.
📌 NCLB – No Child Left Behind
An educational initiative that ensures access to school supplies, scholarships, and mentorship for disadvantaged children.
📌 CFCWD – Catering for Children with Disabilities
A program dedicated to supporting children with disabilities by providing assistive devices, therapy sessions, and inclusive education opportunities.
📌 IWD – International Women’s Day
A campaign focused on empowering women through financial literacy, leadership training, and mentorship to support gender equality.
📌 SDW – Safe Drinking Water Campaign
A project advocating for clean and safe water in rural and urban communities, working in partnership with government agencies and NGOs.
📌 B2S – Back to School
A program designed to help children return to school by providing tuition assistance, school materials, and mentorship to support their education.
📌 COPE – Cross Contamination, Online Safety, Physical & Personal Safety, Emotional Well-being
A holistic public health and safety initiative focused on:
✔ Cross-contamination prevention (food safety & hygiene)
✔ Online safety awareness (cybersecurity education)
✔ Personal & physical safety (self-defense & fire safety)
✔ Emotional well-being (mental health awareness & support)
📌 FOCOC – Face of COPE on Campus
A pageantry-style competition that selects student ambassadors to promote COPE’s mission on campuses, inculcating leadership, advocacy, and humanitarian service in young adults.